Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Spiritual Medicine

Susan E. Kolb, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Certified by The American Board of Holistic Medicine, 2-01
Plastikos Surgery Center
Millennium Healthcare
Avatar Cancer Center
4370 Georgetown Square
Atlanta, GA 30338
(770) 457-4677

Spiritual medicine begins with a doctor or practitioner becoming more aware of energy fields. Usually this is as a result of spiritual practices such as:

· Meditation
· Yoga
· Tai Chi
· Breath work

The practitioner begins to sense his or her energy fields and only then can begin to sense these fields in the patient.

As the majority of other practitioners do not yet have this perceptual awareness and traditional medicine does not yet recognize energy fields, the practitioners undergoing these shifts have few reference points. Each person's awakening is different but these seem to be common elements. Most begin with a desire to be more in silence, often out in nature. Radios are turned off and the person avoids large crowds and noisy bars and restaurants. Music is soft often without words. More and more time is spent in meditation or other spiritual practices. Dietary changes occur away from alcohol, caffeine and red meat as a result of preferences not abstinence. Spinning sensations are felt in different parts of the body as the charkas or energy centers open up. Often neurological symptoms such as tingling, heat or jerking occur spontaneously. Intense emotions including fear, anger and love rise up from within, often with no apparent connection to external reality.

Relationships often change abruptly with the person sensing that they must leave a job or a mate or both simultaneously. My own awakening occurred more quickly when a clairvoyant came to my plastic surgery office with the book "Hands of Light" and told me that I was a healer and needed to get started. When I went into meditation I was told internally to quit my job. I did so and did not work for the next five months but instead meditated 5-7 hours a day, began a vegetarian diet and worked with a spiritual group several times a week in order to develop spiritual sight and hearing.

Faith is developed and tested as the person learns to walk "the razor's edge", relying on intuition rather than logic or the advice of others. Families are often alienated as they sense an abrupt change in the person and resent their advice not being followed.

As energy shifts occur the practitioner becomes more aware of their energy body, especially of weak areas. By working in meditation with weak energy centers, many acute illnesses can be avoided. Whereas before the shift, I would suddenly become ill with a viral infection, I now have a chance to work with weak "charkas" or energy systems and often can avoid the cold or flu. As energy centers open up, one develops an ability to sense or feel things intuitively. Other sources of clairvoyant information develop including spiritual hearing or clairaudience and spiritual sight or clairvoyance. And finally, the strongest intuitive information comes through an acute sense of "knowing".

My experience with this shift included having my car radio break 11 times within a six-month period so that when I was in the car I would hear internal lectures on the spiritual cases of illness. Later I would read Carolyn Myss' and Dr. Norm Shealy's book, "The Creation of Health" and have an interesting confirmation of the information in these lectures.

My beeper would go off and I would "see" the injury of the person waiting for me in the emergency room or I would lay hands on a patient and see the conflict of hear the name of the person with which they were in conflict. Several of my patients must have thought I was a witch, considering how high they jumped when I said a few words to them. But this is the core of spiritual medicine. Conflict not previously resolved in the mental and emotional plane can cause illness in the physical plane.

Spiritual medicine acknowledges this and helps the patient see how conflict resolution is crucial in order to get well quickly. As a hand surgeon, I have seen time and again these principles in and hand injuries. The thumb is involved in spiritual will issues, the index finger in faith issues, the middle finger in self-love issues, the ring finger in material and security issues including money and the little finger in relationship and sex issues. If I can help my patients recognize the connection and they are able consciously to work on these issues, they recover faster and are less prone to re-injury.

So how do we become ill?

Each of us has a certain amount of "life force" energy. We can measure this energy with devices that measure the aura. Without such devices we have to rely on our intuitive senses. Often we can feel the energy around the person. People with large bright auras make us feel better and people with dark auras drain us.

Each of us is given a "quanta" of energy, to use for "our daily bread". How much we have at the end of the day depends on how we use it. Life force energy can be stimulated by sunlight, exercise, meditation and vital foods. Dr. Valerie Hunt has a videotape of a machine that measures auras, recording the difference in the aura of a person eating vital food and eating junk food. Anything or anybody we bring into our field has the capacity to change our field. Meditation, yoga and breath work very much increase the life force as if we are tapping directly into the source of this energy. Any creative activity also increases the energy flow into our field.

What depletes us?

The two most significant ways to waste energy is through judgment and defending one's sense of self-importance. Certain types of foods, electromagnetic fields, and additions deplete the field. Addictions actually use up a certain amount of etheric or life force energy with each "desire" created. Addictions can be to a wide variety of things - food, drugs, sex, alcohol, body image and materialism. All addictions suppress spiritual growth by depleting life force energy. All are serving the same purpose, to suppress some form of emotional energy that should be allowed to surface and be released.

What can we do to encourage such releases?

Any activity that causes the release of negativity can infuse us with energy. These include forgiveness, gratitude, praise and praying for others. Healing occurs when there is a large release of negativity rather than the suppression of the energy. The healer helps the patient to transmute the energy.

Do not hold onto old relationships. Energy determines relationships so that if a relationship is not working, release it so that the energy can come back into balance. Do not hold onto any particular relationship, allow change to occur without fear. So many illnesses are related to us holding onto that which no longer serves us. Old patterns of behavior, relationships that are not working, and outdated patterns of thought. What causes us to hold on? Fear including fear of loneliness, fear of separation and fear of rejection. The hell we know is better than the hell we don't know.

Healing is transmuting that fear into faith. Faith that creation will provide us with what we really need, not with what we think we need. Fear causes us to breathe shallowly and causes our life force to diminish.

Forgiveness is a vast topic and one that is crucial to healing. For those of you working with forgiveness issues, I highly recommend Dr. Michael Ryce's work "Why Is This Happening To Me Again" including his No Fault Forgiveness Worksheet. Forgiveness, as Michael teaches, is for the release for energy in us, not for the person we are forgiving. The release of negative energy generated by the onset of forgiveness can stimulate the immune system enough to reverse diseases such as cancer.

Holistic medicine uses techniques to stimulate the "field". Chiropractic, acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, massage, homeopathy and other holistic methods increase the energy field and thus the immune and endocrine systems. Spiritual medicine adds to this releasing techniques of spiritual healing, forgiveness work, past life regression, and hypnotherapy to aid in the areas of weakness of the energy body. Spiritual practices such as meditation, fasting, yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and breath work help to balance the energy body. Add to this intuitive diagnosis and you really have lost he majority of the medical profession. But as we say at Millennium Healthcare-the shift is on, the shift toward more compassionate and effective healthcare. We are on the verge of an awakening. The institutions of medicine, law, and politics will only shift as those within these institutions wake up and start to shake the belief systems. And as with any transformation, there will be much "gnashing of teeth". But, as we move forward into the 21st Century, all we can say is "shift happens".

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